
访学博士后|2015年01月04日 17:06

  Assistant Professor of Biology, Cell & Molecular or Microbiology, Two 1-year term positions

  GRINNELL COLLEGE. Two 1-year leave replacement positions in Biology (cell & molecular biology or microbiology). Assistant Professor (Ph.D.) preferred; Instructor (ABD) possible. Grinnell College is a highly selective undergraduate liberal arts college. Grinnell’s Biology Department is a national leader in research-based teaching. The College's curriculum is founded on a strong advising system and close student-faculty interaction, with few college-wide requirements beyond the completion of a major. The teaching schedule of five courses over two semesters (with lab sections counting as 1/2 course) will include intermediate-level “Cells, Molecules, and Organisms” and may include introductory and advanced courses in microbiology and/or other specialties in cell and molecular biology.


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