
访学博士后|2014年12月31日 16:25

  Tenure Pathway Faculty Position Department of Neurological Sciences

  University of Vermont, Burlington, VT

  The Department of Neurological Sciences in the College of Medicine at the University of Vermont invites applications for a tenure pathway faculty position (open rank). Applicants should have a Ph.D. and/or M.D. degree, and be committed to excellence in both research and the teaching of Neuroscience. We are seeking candidates who have a record of research excellence in areas that complement existing programs within the Department and who have particular interest in translational Neuroscience. Our unique department consists of both clinicians and basic scientists. The aim of this position is to enhance collaborations between these faculty. We welcome applications from people with expertise across a broad spectrum of Neuroscience although we will give preference to applicants with expertise relating to neurovascular disease, muscle disease, autonomic nervous system pathophysiology and epilepsy.


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