
访学博士后|2014年12月23日 14:34

  Assistant, Associate or Full Professor

  In collaboration with the College of Medicine, CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics at the University of Central Florida (UCF), invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the area of biophotonics. The successful candidate will be expected to teach and establish a vigorous funded research program.

  CREOL faculty are engaged in research covering all aspects of optics and photonics including lasers, optical fibers, integrated photonics, nonlinear and quantum optics, and imaging, sensing and display. Applications of these technologies to industry and manufacturing, communication and information technology, biology and medicine, energy and lighting, and defense and homeland security are pursued. A strong partnership with industry has been an asset for the college.

  A doctoral degree from an accredited institution in a closely related field is required.


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