
访学博士后|2014年12月23日 14:05

  Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Faculty Positions in Cell/Molecular BiologyUNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO

  The Department of Biological Sciences at The University of Toledo is seeking to fill two tenure-track assistant professor faculty positions. Departmental research strengths include cellular immunology, cancer biology, nematode molecular biology, molecular neuroscience, plant biology and cell cycle regulation. Other departments in the College of Medicine on the nearby Health Science Campus of the university complement these areas. The new positions will enhance existing research strengths, but preference will be given to research topics that emphasize immunological and physiological applications. Facilities include a modern research complex with updated laboratories and access to outstanding instrumentation centers. Applicants must have a Ph.D. and postdoctoral experience, and successful candidates should have or will be expected to develop an externally funded research program. Appointment at a higher rank might also be considered. The successful applicants will participate in undergraduate and graduate instruction. The Department offers the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees. Salary and start-up funds are competitive. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue through the application deadline of February 6, 2015. The starting date for these positions will be August 2015.


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