
访学博士后|2014年12月22日 13:07

  Addiction Neuropharmacology Faculty

  The Department of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics at the Boston University School of Medicine is seeking to recruit a new faculty member at the assistant, associate or full professor level with an innovative research program in addiction, substance abuse or other psychiatric disease. Scientists with an interest in basic or translational sciences are encouraged to apply. The department has strength in a broad range of research technologies and seeks to expand its capabilities in order to enhance the understanding of mechanisms underlying addiction and the discovery of transformational therapeutics. The Department of Pharmacology has strengths in molecular, cellular, behavioral and systems level neuropharmacology with a goal of discovering novel and transformational therapeutic modalities. New research initiatives include the addition of core space for behavioral animal research technologies and the formation of an Addiction Research Center. The Department administers an active university-wide training program in Biomolecular Pharmacology that is supported by an NIGMS T32, awarding a PhD in Pharmacology, Biomedical Engineering, or combined training in Neuroscience through the university-wide Graduate Program for Neuroscience. Addiction faculty members of the Department are part of the “Transformative Training Program in Addiction Science” (TTPAS), a Training Grant on Addiction from Burroughs Wellcome Fund. The new faculty member will be expected to take a role in the teaching of pharmacology to students in medical, dental, doctoral and masters degree programs.


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