
访学博士后|2014年12月11日 16:01
  德州理工大学位于美国德克萨斯州的卢伯克市。学校建立于1923年,是一所公立理工科高等学府。德州理工大学被“美国新闻与世界报道”评为国家级三级大学,学术声誉全美排名第136名。学校在2009年美国大学石油工程专业研究生排名第10,学校的艺术设计类专业研究生排名第118,教育学院研究生排名第119. 德州理工大学开设本科,硕士及博士学位课程。


  Mammalian Functional Genomics

  The Department of Biological Sciences at Texas Tech University is recruiting a 9-month tenure-track Assistant Professor in the field of Mammalian Functional Genomics. We seek a dynamic, motivated scientist to lead an innovative research program that uses genomic approaches to address core questions of biological function in mammals. The successful candidate will demonstrate an ability to integrate approaches that may include but are not limited to comparative genomics, systems modeling, GWAS, or other complementary analyses to study the biology of the genome within the context of the whole organism. We welcome applicants who will study how genomic variation (including structural, gene expression and epigenetic changes) affects phenotypic outcome among individuals within a population. The successful candidate will be expected to supervise an independent research program that will attract extramural funding, provide research training for graduate and undergraduate students, teach and develop undergraduate and graduate courses in the fields of Genomics and/or Bioinformatics, and contribute to our curriculum in organismal biology. A PhD and postdoctoral experience in Biology or a related field is required.


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