
访学博士后|2014年12月04日 16:10

  Assistant Professor of Climate Change Ecology

  Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology, University of California, Davis

  The University of California, Davis is recruiting a Global Change Ecologist at the tenure-trackASSISTANT PROFESSOR level, with academic year (9-month) term employment. The successful applicant will work in the area of the effects of climate change on biological systems (research could be focused on species, population, and/or community and ecosystem level questions). Research could focus on changes in phenology and resulting effects on species interactions (e.g., disease, food web interactions) and distributions, or climate change resilience and adaptation. Species distribution modeling and climate change vulnerability assessment are also potential areas of research. The successful candidate is expected to fully participate in the Environmental Policy Master’s (EPM) program, and the position will carry a teaching responsibility in the program. The EPM degree is anon-research, experiential MS program where groups of students address complex environmental problems from multiple perspectives (legal, economic, political, social, technological, scientific) to address policy alternatives. The appointee will also teach undergraduate courses on biology and conservation consistent with the appointee’s expertise. The candidate will participate in departmental team-taught courses, and will be expected to participate in committee work, service, undergraduate and graduate advising, and other responsibilities that are shared by department faculty. Qualifications include Ph.D. in relevant discipline, and evidence of potential for accomplishment in research,teaching, and service.


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