
访学博士后|2014年11月26日 16:12

  The laboratory of Dr. Rajeev Vibhakar at the University of Colorado Denver is seeking applications for the position of Post-doctoral Fellow. Seeking Fellow who is 0-3 years post PhD. The Vibhakar laboratory is focused on understanding the role of Histone Modifying Enzymes in the regulation of neural stem cell self renewal and differentiation and the contribution of these pathways to the development of brain tumors. This position is part of an exciting research program to understand the molecular mechanisms of brain tumor development as a means to develop new therapeutic approaches. The laboratory uses mouse models to recapitulate the human disease, with a focus on epigenetics. We are looking for a PhD scientist who is interested in studying the role of histone modifications in brain tumors using transgenic mouse models, standard cell and molecular biology techniques and genome wide analysis such as ChIP-Seq, array based expression profiling.


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