
访学博士后|2014年11月04日 13:54

  Postdoctoral Researcher : Berkeley, CA, United States

  We are seeking a leader for the Critical Assessment of Genome Interpretation (CAGI, \'kā-jē\), a community experiment to evaluate the prediction of phenotypes from genetic variation. CAGIobjectively assesses computational methods for predicting the phenotypic impacts of genomic variation. In this experiment, modeled on the Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction (CASP), participants are provided genotypic data and make predictions of resulting molecular, cellular, or organismal phenotype.


  Ph.D. or M.D. or equivalent. Candidates must have demonstrated ability to work and communicate with an extensive array of collaborators. Candidates should also have familiarity with managing large data sets, developing standard and automated assessment protocols, managing data set quality control,performing human genetic data analyses, ethics of human research participants, publishing in high quality journals, event organization, as well as managing multiple and conflicting obligations and deadlines. Strong positive references are essential.


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