
访学博士后|2014年10月28日 17:05

  Stanford University is seeking outstanding applicants (PhD or MD/PhD) for a full-time, potential tenure-track position at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor in the Division of Reproductive, Stem Cell and Perinatal Biology in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Stanford University School of Medicine. A well-established and innovative research program with a distinguished publication record in the area of reproductive, stem cell and/or perinatal biology relevant to the discipline of obstetrics and gynecology as broadly defined, is a prerequisite. Applicants will be responsible for training graduate students and research-oriented medical students, as applicable. This position may include a leadership role as division director. Preference will be given to outstanding candidates who can complement and enhance existing strengths in reproductive, stem cell and perinatal biology within the Department and the surrounding University.


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